Hi, I’m Emily!


Flashback to that moment when it felt like my life was over… I went from planning a celebration for our upcoming 20th wedding anniversary one day to telling my four kids their dad had died the next. 


How could this be happening?


We had big plans, dreams for our future, and suddenly everything vanished.  The pain was unbearable.


I felt like I had died along with him, but I was forced to stay alive. Every milestone—every moment that should have been joyful—was a painful reminder that he wasn’t there. Watching my kids grow up without their dad felt like death by a thousand cuts.


How is this possible? How is this my life?


Being the over-achieving, boss-babe I’ve always been, I immediately did all the things you're "supposed" to do when you're grieving: ordered the books, signed everyone up for counseling, joined support groups, and talked to other widows.


I thought if I worked hard enough, I could fast-track through grief, as if there was some imaginary finish line I could cross and declare, “I’m done now!”


But no matter how much I did, I was still stuck.


Grief doesn’t follow a timeline or a checklist. It sneaks up on you just when you think you’re making progress.


Despite all my efforts, I still felt like I was drowning in guilt, regret, and overwhelming sadness.


It wasn’t until I dove deeper into learning about grief and healing that I found my own path forward.


I became certified in Grief Recovery and earned a Life Coaching certification, where I learned how to not just cope with grief, but to heal, grow beyond it, and eventually create a life I love again. 


In my search for healing, I quickly realized how fragmented and confusing the information on grief was.


Everything was scattered across books, websites, and resources, and many of the recommendations conflicted with each other.


It was frustrating and overwhelming—especially when I just wanted clear guidance and support.


That’s why I created Brave Widow—an online community and coaching program specifically designed to help widows like you heal, grow, and rebuild your life after loss.


I wanted to provide the all-in-one place I wish I had during my darkest days—a place where you can access courses, resources, and a supportive community that understands what you're going through.




The Brave Widow Membership Community is For You If…

- You feel stuck in your grief, unsure of how to move forward.
- The weight of guilt and regret keeps holding you back.
- You miss not only your spouse but the future you had planned together.
- You long to find hope and healing but don’t know where to start.
- You want to rediscover your identity and purpose outside of being a widow.
- You crave a community that actually gets it—other women who understand the depths of your pain and won’t offer empty platitudes.


 You Can Build a Life You Love Again


One of the hardest things about losing a spouse is feeling like you’ll never love life again. But I’m here to tell you that healing is possible—and you can create a new life that feels meaningful, joyful, and full of love.


I’m living proof that there is hope after heartbreak. Today, I wake up excited about the future again. I have dreams, goals, and joy that I never thought possible. And I’m here to help you find that for yourself, too.


At Brave Widow, we help you:

  1. Heal your heart—release the guilt, regret, and sadness that keeps you stuck.
  2. Find hope—believe in a future where joy and love are possible again.
  3. Dream again—rediscover who you are and what you want from life.
  4. Create a life you love—your old life is gone, but you can create a new one that you love.



Join the Brave Widow Community

You don’t have to navigate this journey alone. In the Brave Widow community, you’ll find courses, coaching, and a circle of women who truly understand what you’re going through.


Whether you’re in the early stages of grief or have been carrying the weight of loss for years, we’re here to help you heal, grow, and take small, intentional steps toward a life you love.


I know if I can get to this point—where I look at life with gratitude, love, and hope—you can too.


Let’s walk this journey together.



Ready to create a life you love?

Join a community of widows just like you.